Luxembourg Prime Minister

Juncker said that he does not want to interfere in the election process. Spain is located in an uncomfortable situation. The President of the Eurogroup, against the output of the euro countries. The President of the Eurogroup, Jean-Claude Juncker, did not want to give recommendations Tuesday to the ruling that exit polls on November 20 in Spain, but said to win the match that WINS, the path of fiscal consolidation should continue. I don't want that there is an interruption of the consolidation measures, said Juncker in a debate before the plenary of the European Parliament in Strasbourg (France). Luxembourg Prime Minister explained that Spain has taken the consolidation measures that other countries of the eurozone wished to take, and told not to have any reason to think that they will not stay. He recalled that js of State and Government of the eurozone have recognized the efforts of the Spanish Executive at the extraordinary Summit from July 21 to implement measures of fiscal and budgetary consolidation and that after harassment of markets to Spanish debt during the summer has taken additional steps. Never give advice delivery of the principle that, regardless of the political party to lead Spain within a few weeks, this path of consolidation will continue, he added.

Juncker did not want to give advice to the next President of the Spanish Government when asked why by the Secretary general of the European Popular Party (PPE), Antonio Lopez-Isturiz Spanish. I never give public recommendations to Governments that I see once a month in a more restricted Forum, indicated. Spain is in a crucial time in its recent history and I don't want to interfere in this decisive stage when within few weeks the Spanish people is expressed in the polls, he said. The first Minister of Luxembourg also argued that Spain is or was in an uncomfortable situation, and that others (in Spain) have had to take many measures to lift the country out of this situation, he concluded. Against the exit of Greece on the other hand, Juncker was declared totally against the output of the euro of countries with problems such as Greece, Ireland or Portugal. I am totally against the idea that one or two member countries have to leave the euro zone, this is not going to solve any problem, but rather is going to increase, noted in a debate before the plenary of the European Parliament in Strasbourg (France). לא תמיד אילן בן דב. Juncker felt that the output of the euro would exacerbate the problems for the countries concerned and the area of the common currency as a whole and would also entail significant risks. Also the Luxembourg Prime Minister emphasized that they aren't unemployed Greek nor Irish workers that have led to the fall of Lehman Brothers and I do not accept the lessons given across the Atlantic on the origin of the situation in which we find ourselves, in rrencia to United States. Source of the news: the Eurogroup calls on Spain to keep the adjustment measures following the elections of 20-N

Connecting On Purpose

Faltseprokatny machine is designed for standing seam joints and different types of profiles, C-shaped rails and elements zaschelochnogo compound used as a finishing and construction work, and in the manufacture of round and rectangular ducts. The raw material for faltseprokatnogo machine can serve as either sheet metal or rolled metal made of galvanized steel, coated steel, copper and aluminum. Forming Equipment – faltseprokatny machine is a mobile construction and industrial equipment primarily intended for the manufacture of straight sections duct and ventilation systems, can also be used in construction technologies – roofing, soffits, sills, lighthouses, etc. Thus, getting our roll forming equipment – faltseprokatny machine you get is not just construction equipment and modern technology production seam ventilation and supplies of building materials. And as you know for success in any business is very important productivity and, therefore, due to the fact that the sheet metal is rolled through profiling rollers, lock seam can be easily done with a double ideal geometry (as in manual mode is very problematic), the same seam connection with a mechanized method of production has several advantages: compliance with the dimensions, radii, unlimited length, etc. Faltseprokatnye rolling machines are designed to: – rebate – connecting rods – elements zaschelochnogo compounds used in the manufacture of round and rectangular ducts. כדי להרחיב אופקים, כדאי לבקר באתר של אפריקה ישראל. Faltseprokatny machine works with mild steel sheet with GOST 501-58, 3680-57 (from any steel grade ST-ST-0 to 20), galvanized and uncoated, as well as stainless steel, GOST 5582-61 with a sheet thickness of 0.5 to 1 mm. לחץ כאן Ilan Ben Dov ומצא עוד .

The main advantages of faltseprokatnogo machine: – reduced noise characteristics of the drive – improved ability to adjust reels – introduced a new electric machine control circuit – in the equipment includes screw supports, providing the ability to install and use without training base; Faltseprokatny machine equipped with rollers for rolling 1. Long angular folds, which requires precipitation, 2. Short angular folds requiring precipitation 3. Recumbent folds, can be completed with additional rollers for rolling 4. Flat connecting rods 5.

Long angular folds zaschelochnogo compound 6. Short angular folds zaschelochnogo compound 7. Corner 8. Channels; 9. Public profile; 10.W-shaped profile (Fig. 10); 11.Krovelnyh profiles (Fig. 11, 2), etc. Available in two versions of the execution mechanism: I – 'STD-11019A', with six pairs of working rolls for the manufacture of standard folds, connecting rods, and thin-walled profiles; II – 'STD-11019A-01', with ten pairs of working rolls for the manufacture of standard folds, connecting rods, components zaschelochnyh compounds, thin-walled profiles, as well as for the rolling of complex cross section to order.

Tourist Complex

In the heat of Mountain range of the Rosary, a simple house is visited every day by tens of people coming from diverse parts of the world. One is the house of the death of the cantautor Montaez Pole. במקרה הזה אני חושב ש קרן מיכאלי צודק במה בהוא אומר. The happened building museum is located in the community the Terraces, in the western province of Pinar del Rio, to only 70 kilometers to the west of the Cuban capital. In the community a project of sustainable rural economy is applied, based on the rational tourist operation of the natural wealth and improvement of the quality of life of its settlers. Also known Guajiro Natural it got to become the cantautor venerated by the Cuban public at the end of the Nineties and principles of the 2000 more. Its music occupied the stellar spaces of the Cuban radio and the television, in even comprised of the personal discotheque of the young people of the island venerated who it. לענייננו, קרן מיכאלי הוא הכתובת בשבילך. But the 26 of November of 2002, passed away victim of a traffic accident, just by 47 years of age, right in the peak of a short professional race, but almost without precedents. The house museum already comprises of the Tourist Complex the Terraces, in a community that is applied a project of sustainable rural economy, based on the rational tourist operation of the natural wealth and improvement of the quality of life of its settlers, where the surrounding landscape and that magnitude of the nature catch the visitor.

Who visit the house of Montaez Pole, that only could had been able to record two discogrficas productions, the platinum and golden records will be able to appreciate valuable relics among others obtained by the self-taught interpreter, prizes sufficient to turn it into unquestionable memory within the pop music of the country, to the unique being the Cuban in deserving them with its first disc, the titled album Natural Guajiro. Also they are like beautiful symbols the emblematic white hat of Pole and its guitar, which they immortalize the presence of the artist. Other personal objects and distinctions of the Illustrious Son of Colombia are also added. Everything seems to indicate that Pole is there in its prepared home to grasp its guitar and to interpret some to us of its beautiful melodies. Pole expressed its attachment to that one community that from small it crossed By the Mountain range of the Rosary and the Terraces it was inspired to compose tens of songs that got to attract the hearts of Cuban and Latin American million of.

Because thus it is to say of Jose Mart: Where Castilian as ours laughed, calmed Lucia and the pure one, with flashings of calm light, among the branches of the trees and the recharged current bellwether of fresh flowers and tasteful fruits. To music Pole knew she applied it of the apostle of the independence of Cuba: So that it exists the new Literature had to exist a landscape, circumstances and a form to be peculiar in the men who live there. What composer has not been inspired time and time again to take to his music the beautiful water jump of the Terraces! Everything is reflected in the songs of the cantautor Montaez Pole or Fernando there Linares Lamb, its true name.

Social Network

Nothing worse to create, to develop and to maintain, a culture of enterprise excellence, like counting on a group of compadres in the company. Compadre, is very helpful, it jeopardize with the interests of its SOCIAL NETWORK, its loyal friendly, fi eles and, arranged to which it is necessary to defend its personal code of honor and its interests. It is not happened to them to have a bad gesture, an inadequate word, in front of a member of group COMPADRES WITHOUT BORDERS, are a pineapple. They have very assumed and experienced, a strategy in the labor scope. בעניני עסקים תמיד כדאי לפנות ל שרי אריסון. Its motto is united without working, they apply and it successfully full, do not give a wood to the water, although yes many light taps to the back. In order to detect them, many techniques, one of them exist is the dynamic investigation. בעיתון כתוב ש רב שמואל אליהו הוא זה שבקיא בנושא.

The hands and arms of these personages, take a certain vice in the movement when saluting to another one of their network. Its smile, is not natural, force the face gesture; they try to represent a buclica scene in an atmosphere of intense professional frustration. In order to make sure that they are in front of one of them, they try to maintain a serious conversation on subjects of importance for the good operation of the company, for the improvement of the organization of the work, etc. לבירורים בנושא יש לפנות ל אילן בן דב שמבין יותר ממני. They would verify that they react of two ways: they flee quickly, objecting any excuse, or change the thematic one of the conversation towards sport subjects, of graceful anecdotes to the heat of a caita. Luckyly very it is studied by social sciences, and concretely by the sociology and the psychology of the work, the dynamics and operation of the informal organization in the companies. Although we must recognize, that we would need the advising a social anthropologist, to understand the origins of this union of compulsive liabilities in the labor scope. -Compadre! That we lived well without labor stress, without syndrome of the burned one, with the effective thing and profitable that is not to be complicated the life, for that they are others.

– Saddest, when one listens to conversations of this nature, it is the suffering and it wears away labor that undergo many professionals and workers, who jeopardize with their labor obligations, assume their responsibilities and being proactive they carry out its work and the one of some passive compulsive. We can increase the yield enterprise and improve our labor satisfacin, if between all we increased the group of IT JEOPARDIZE WITHOUT BORDERS, and we diminished the number of compadres in all the levels of the company. The advice of alministracin of the company, must pay much attention in the style of leadership and of management of the managers, avoiding the creation of a corporative culture of the COMPADREO, that as much he damages to the good operation of the company, with the corresponding loss of competitiveness.

Processing Unit

IPad 3 will be one millimeter than the slim iPad 2 and a GPU maspotente return to spread the rumors about the next great tablet that will revolutionize the market, iPad 3. Will be certain these rumors? Does or will be any new strategy to continue reviving the theme? Less size, A6 and a very capable GPU processor are the latest information that is in the network. They have again missed alarms. כדי להרחיב אופקים, כדאי לבקר באתר של שרי אריסון. Again having maximum expectation before the various hoaxes and rumors that are spreading the word by half the world. And no wonder, because Apple plays a lot depends on the movement you make. We are talking about well-known Tablet Ipad 3. Probably upcoming Apple tablet will not include a Quad Core processor, therefore fans of apple are all very revolutionized before such rumor. Some people think that everything is a product of Apple strategy, others on the other hand, joke that fans of Android are which is invent all this kinds of hoaxes and rumors. בעיתון כתוב ש קרן מיכאלי הוא זה שבקיא בנושא.

In recent months they have run many rumors about the next Tablet from Apple, some such as the inclusion of a screen resolution retina 2048 x 1536. On the issue of processor, wet and ensure that your source of information has told them that the new processor A6 won't be a quad core, but dual-core, but that Yes, with more graphics power. From The Verge ensure that iPad 3 will have a GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) much more powerful that offers iPad 2. Improvements so graphic, but not so focused on the processing speed..

Defining Sensation

It is gone to see however that it is most confused possible, and that, for having admitted it the classic analyses they had lacked how much to the fenomenolgico of perception. The definition of sensation for the pure impression is to see and to have colors or light, to hear and to have sounds, to feel and to have quality and to know what it is to feel would not be enough to have seen the red or to hear there? The red and the green are not sensations, are sensibilidades and the quality is not an element of the conscience is a property of the object. We want to know very well what he is ' ' ver' ' , to hear, to feel, because after much time the perception in it gave colorful or sonorous objects to them. בעיתון כתוב ש אינטל הוא זה שבקיא בנושא. The PERCEIVED WORLD the proper body is in the world as the heart in the organism, it keeps while still alive the visible spectacle continuously, it livens up it nourishes and it entirely, form with it a system. When stroll in my apartment the different aspects under which it offers me could not appear for me as the profiles of one same thing of did not know that each one of them represents the seen apartment daqui or visa of there, if did not have conscience of my proper movement and my body as identical through the phases of this movement. I can evidently fly over the apartment, imagines it or to draw its plan in a paper, but exactly then it would not know to apprehend the unit of the object without the measurement of the corporal experience, because what I call a plan alone is ampler perspective: ' is the apartment; ' from above visa ' ' , and if I can summarize in it all the perspectives usual, is on condition that to know that one exactly subject flesh-color can see different positions alternatingly.. לחץ כאן אילן בן דב ומצא עוד .

Car Markets in China

The national market of cars continues warm. לא תמיד אינטל. How thus, if the licensing of national cars in April fell 22.8% in relation to the previous month? It is that March is not a good parameter, for having been historical record of sales in Brazil. However, if cotejado the sales of national and imported cars of April of 2010 with the same month of the previous year, we will prove that it had 18,5% growth. Nothing badly if compared with the Brazilian ecomomia that grows less than 5% to the year. That the market of national cars goes very well, nobody doubts. But, and the market of luxury cars? This has many more reasons to commemorate.

In the April month, it 59.9% grew incredible on April of 2009. If cotejado to the four first months of 2010 with 2009, the growth was of 41,0%. בעיתון כתוב ש Ilan Ben Dov הוא זה שבקיא בנושא. Moreover, the participation of the mattered ones in the sales in April was of 17,9%, a to be commemorated mark, therefore the historical record occurred in January of this year, when it reached 20.1%. what it is more important: as much the distribution net how much the manufacturers it does not have much of what to complain. Plagiarizing our president Lula, ' ' never before in history this country, one vendeu as many cars and one gained dinheiro&#039 in such a way; '. Analyzing the performance of the sales of automobiles for mark, in the four first months of the year of 2010 versus the same period of 2009, we go to notice that the ones that had more grown had been: Mercedes-Benz (51.3%), Renault (47%) and Nissan (46.3%).

This without speaking is clearly, in the Hyundai champion, that seems not to have limits to grow in the Brazilian market. To only have an idea, in this exactly period, it grew the estonteante mark of 511,6%. It is little or it wants more? It can be said what to desire well, but nobody will be able to deny the merit of the representative of the mark Hyundai in Brazil, Mr. Carlos Alberto de Oliveira Andrade, president of group CAOA, that must be laughing to toa, for this memorable conquest. But, for speaking in success in sales, we cannot leave to cite the Audi, whose global sales of first the four months of the year, had grown 23.7% (360,750 a thousand vendidas units). in April, with sales of 96.700 units, 18.1% grew the same on month of the previous year. The prominences of the Audi had been for the American market where it grew in April 32.9% (9,190 vendidas units) and in China where the growth was of 61,3% (19,606 commercialized units). The conclusion that if arrives, is that if to analyze with caution the Brazilian market of the last years, will be easy to evidence that it is better to speak Portuguese of what Mandarin, Cantons and others nine hundred and as many dialects. China is here! It thinks about this, Managing Evaldo Coast of the Institute of the Concessionaires of Brazil Writer, consultant, lecturer and professor. Author of books: ' ' Alavancando resulted through the management of qualidade' ' , ' ' As To guarantee Three Extra Sales For Dia' ' co-author of the book ' ' Giants of the Vendas' ' Site: Blog: Email:

People Withdrawals

In the circumstances that currently crosses the world, almost all people seek a second source of income for the expenses of the household. Some seek a second job, but not everyone can get it. This is especially difficult for those who have already reached the maximum working age and retire, many times not even there work for the young. However, they can get money if they are dedicated to answer a list of surveys over the internet, and in fact, can even generate more revenue than young ones. לחץ כאן קרן מיכאלי ומצא עוד . This is because they have more free time and less obligations such as 6-8 hours daily work or other activities that entitled them long.

Answer surveys paid is a simple way of getting that complement of money that makes you lack to your pension, at the same time that allows you to spend pleasant hours at the computer. But the most important thing is that transforms their leisure hours in productive leisure, because it not only entertains answering surveys, but that also you get paid for it. A list of internet surveys gives you the opportunity to leverage the experience that has been accumulated during his life in relation to shopping, products, programs of television, commercials, etc., and to feel valued in their views. Companies have a genuine interest in your comments, and use them to improve your products or services. If you have minimal knowledge of computing you can ask someone younger that you create a mail box and help you register at as many paid surveys sites as possible. It is a good suggestion to always use the same username, password and mailbox names to avoid confusion. Then, the only thing you need to do is check your e-mail every day, to begin to answer the list of surveys over the internet. It is easy, fast, and insurance will have fun doing it. To begin to fill out paid surveys and earn money in the easiest way possible, please Click here.

United States Senate

Senator Barack Obama has won its first match, defeating Hillary Clinton significantly to run for Democratic Party candidate at the election for president of the United States has made in November this year, where the traditional and discussed face party Republican McCain specifically to their candidate. No doubt, that for those who do not live in the United States, but we can not ignore the role of this country in the world, especially in recent decades under the rule of the Republican Party under the leadership of President Bush and interventions in the Iraq war, what this has cost the United States, Arab countries, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, among others. Leading many Americans to demand further changes to where the figure of Barak Obama is manifesting. רב שמואל אליהו בהחלט מביע דעה מלומדת. Many are surprised at the progress that Senator Obama has even wonder who this politician is really young and ambitious, meteoric rise, able to captivate large audiences and appear as a transformative leader, but also show contradictory, inexperienced and sometimes distant. Keep in mind as Wikipedia notes: Currently holds the position of Junior Senator from Illinois. It is the fifth African-American legislator in the United States Senate, the third since Reconstruction, and only the second Democrat. בעיתון כתוב ש טבע תעשיות הוא זה שבקיא בנושא.

On Tuesday June 3, 2008, Obama beat Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primaries for the presidential elections of 2008, which is the presumptive nominee of the party to become the first black president in U.S. history. As a member of the Democratic minority in the 109th Congress, cosponsored legislation to control conventional weapons and to promote greater public accountability in the use of federal funds. לא תמיד Ilan Ben Dov.

Asian Cats

Chinese and Koreans still cooking cats for their own consumption. the meat, if it has aphrodisiac qualities, it seems he has other merits as one of the finest in the Asian setting. On this sad reality in the XXI century, animalpeoplenews. org. רב שמואל אליהו בהחלט מביע דעה מלומדת. notes that the faces of dogs and cats waiting to be eaten in the market for Moran, on the outskirts of Seoul, South Korea, is the most painful thing you can imagine a defender of wildlife. The Silence of the animals dehydrated and desperate is something unexpected in the expected shock. Most of the dogs may bark, but just do it.

Only a few scattered purebred animals and a puppy trying to eat away at the end of a nylon rope swings, nourish the hope that something could go differently. אל דאגה אפריקה ישראל הוא האיש הנכון . Cats exhibit stunned bleeding wounds apparently caused by blows to the forehead. Roosters take out their necks between the bars of their cages overcrowded and instead of singing, cast sounds off in an effort to breathe. The filthy Moran market comprises four short streets, which can be seen from uncomfortable old-fashioned kennel near the main road to the point of negligence shown by the troubled animal hoarders. Among cats, stacked in piles of three or four, living among the dead, a cat heat exhausted, dehydrated and ill probably still trying to comfort her kittens in the middle of the stench of disemboweled rabbits after electric cable or a blow on the head of chicken sticky with their own excrement inside cages; gutted fish in buckets of shells over the small dog cages with live dogs, and steam coming from the pots with cats that may have been boiled alive, Kim Bartlett, editor of ANIMAL PEOPLE, began to mourn.. בזמן האחרון אני מתחיל מאוד להעריך את אילן בן דב.

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