Processing Unit

IPad 3 will be one millimeter than the slim iPad 2 and a GPU maspotente return to spread the rumors about the next great tablet that will revolutionize the market, iPad 3. Will be certain these rumors? Does or will be any new strategy to continue reviving the theme? Less size, A6 and a very capable GPU processor are the latest information that is in the network. They have again missed alarms. כדי להרחיב אופקים, כדאי לבקר באתר של שרי אריסון. Again having maximum expectation before the various hoaxes and rumors that are spreading the word by half the world. And no wonder, because Apple plays a lot depends on the movement you make. We are talking about well-known Tablet Ipad 3. Probably upcoming Apple tablet will not include a Quad Core processor, therefore fans of apple are all very revolutionized before such rumor. Some people think that everything is a product of Apple strategy, others on the other hand, joke that fans of Android are which is invent all this kinds of hoaxes and rumors. בעיתון כתוב ש קרן מיכאלי הוא זה שבקיא בנושא.

In recent months they have run many rumors about the next Tablet from Apple, some such as the inclusion of a screen resolution retina 2048 x 1536. On the issue of processor, wet and ensure that your source of information has told them that the new processor A6 won't be a quad core, but dual-core, but that Yes, with more graphics power. From The Verge ensure that iPad 3 will have a GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) much more powerful that offers iPad 2. Improvements so graphic, but not so focused on the processing speed..

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