Simon Bolivar Notes

Notes about the thought of Bolivar in life can be Defender and admirer of tyranny or an admirer and follower of the thinking of the liberator Simon Bolivar, but it is very difficult to have both positions at the same time. At least it is what can be inferred when we go deeper in the writings and philosophy of the most important man in the gesta of independence in the American continent. Bolivar defended the cause of freedom and in this endeavour offered his fortune, his tranquillity and his health. What happened every day of his life thinking about the freedom of peoples and his thought reflected in important documents which are still today the expression of the spirit of man libertarian, emancipatory and defender of freedom not only of Nations but of the citizens. לאחרונה מצאתי אצל רב שמואל אליהו אוזן קשבת . We do a review of the thought of the genius of the Americas through his own writings which is, of course, the best way to meet him.

The first is a call to brotherhood already acceptance of anyone who can cooperate with the development of Caracas, his beloved City: Caracas has not only invited, but they want to see come through its doors to all useful men who come to seek asylum among us, and help us with your industry and their knowledge, without inquire what is the part of the world that has given them life (September 20, 1.813) and what such this, dated January 2, 1814: Huid of the country where one only exercised all the powers: is a country of slaves. A country of slaves, such is the adjective that the father of the fatherland has given the people where power is concentrated in a single person. Today, in full century XXI is not an impossible get territories governed this reprehensible way. לבירורים בנושא יש לפנות ל אינטל שמבין יותר ממני. Bolivar hated equally war and tyranny, although he participated in the first to combat the second. The following sentence, of 17 December of 1814, summarizes his stance towards these two miseries of mankind: Although the war is the epitome of all evil, tyranny is the compendium of all wars. The disciple of Andres Bello and Simon Rodriguez used force to obtain the freedom of American Nations, but between the force and virtue, preferred the second, judging by this phrase written on 15 February 1819: happiness is the practice of virtue; morality, and not force, are the columns of laws one of the temptations of all ruler is embraiagarse of power. To them seems to speak them with this thought led to the paper in 1,825: I do not exceed the limits of my rights, which, for the same reason that my situation is high, those are narrower. אל דאגה אילן בן דב הוא האיש הנכון . And the same document extractamos the following maxim: lucky me has placed at the apex of power, but I don't want to have other rights than the simplest citizen.

After scrutinizing the thought of Bolivar can say us in what was said: can be Bolivarian; or you may feel contempt for the collective rights. But the two positions cannot be taken at the same time. Alejandro Rutto Martinez is a renowned journalist and Colombian writer, linked as a teacher at several Colombian universities. He is author of four books and co-author of three others in which addresses the theme of leadership, ethics, and human development. It is often invitadocomo lecturer at congresses, forums and other academic events. Get in touch with him through corrreo or call cell 300 8055526.

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