Berlin Electricity

"In Germany much is done to prevent cheap electricity prices" Berlin, December 29, 2010. Welcomes the initiative of the Federal Cartel Office, critical to check the electricity prices in Germany, even in the energy industry. Independent power providers criticize the structure on the German electricity market for years. The cartel guards examine possible manipulation in the wholesale power according to media reports. The results will be in January. On the German market much is done to prevent cheap electricity prices", says Robert Mundt, Chief Executive Officer of the independent provider of FlexStrom. With more customers than 400,000 supplied a provider such as FlexStrom must rely on, to buy the power for the big corporations. בעיתון כתוב ש קרן מיכאלי הוא זה שבקיא בנושא. More than 80 percent of electricity production in Germany, Vattenfall, RWE and E.ON energy Baden-Wurttemberg (EnBW) include the energy giant.

As a result this oligopoly structure, the wholesale electricity prices in Germany are significantly higher than in other European countries according to by Mundt. It is but not enabled us to introduce large quantities of electricity from abroad", criticizes FlexStrom-chef Mundt. Reportedly, the network capacity that are not sufficient. However partially responsible electricity network operators include the energy giant, for example, to RWE or EnBW group. The monopolies Commission had noted in the past year, there is still no functioning competition"on the energy markets in Germany. A modicum of competition but considered important precondition for falling prices. More competition in energy markets is good for the consumers", so FlexStrom Chairman Mundt. The majority of all households in Germany powered still by the respective basic utilities.

According to calculations by the Federal Network Agency several hundred euros savings by switching of the power provider in the year. At the turn of the year, 570 providers increase the price of electricity. Every change of electricity provider is a sign of consumers for more competition", says Robert Mundt by FlexStrom.

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