The search service AUTOkralle has studied the traveled routes by car AUTOkralle has investigated based on the indexed used car offers, how many miles a car on average annually has been shut. The countries Germany, Austria and Switzerland have been considered. Each construction year was analyzed separately. במקרה הזה אני חושב ש קרן מיכאלי צודק במה בהוא אומר. The result shows that older vehicles on average have covered less kilometres up to the present day, as younger. A 15-year-old car was used, for example, to this day for about 11,000 kilometers in the year.
A vehicle from the year 2006 has an average up to 19,000 kilometres, however, depending on the country. This corresponds to an increase of over 70% in 11 years. The figures of the recent past are interesting. In the years from 1995 to the year 2006, there was a relatively constant increase in all countries. עוד מידע על שרי אריסון ניתן למצוא באינטרנט. Models from 2007 the routes travelled to date in Austria and the Switzerland declined for the first time. Hingegegen in Germany an increase is also this year again round recorded 20,000 kilometres per year. This number represents the highest total value of all age groups and countries.
With the outbreak of the economic crisis, the number of kilometres travelled in all three countries has gone down rapidly. The model years 2008 and 2009 can be found just above the level of 1999. The last few months but show a slight trend upwards. With a reason for the rapid decline certainly also the steadily increased price of fuel is in addition to the general economic difficulties of the current time. In addition, currently also a greater environmental sensitivity is noticeable. However, it can be expected that the use of the automobile is rising again significantly after a "recovery phase".