The Dogs Vacuum Cleaner

In this article, we will deal in subject of attention in our dogs. I frequently see in parks and streets of our city, totally disinterested mascots of the presence of their owners, going from one side to another, disregarding any kind of call on the part of their owners. The funny thing is that when this kind of dogs are inside House, his master, is the center of attention and most of the time passes it back from its owner. What happens then? Just…now start problems when our can, arrives at the nearest Park and its center of attention switches to odors that has the prado, posts, trees and of course the presence of other dogs. כדאי לך לעיין אצל Ilan Ben Dov כדי לקבל עוד מידע. Do with the passage of time, our dog find more pleasure in smelling the area visited, and chase other dogs since you don't find anything interesting in us which is the main cause of this type of conduct? Let us remember that our dogs have an initial stage in your puppies life, called IMPRINTING, which translate IMPREGNATION, the imprinting Word, is used in Spanish by in the English language to name the action of recording something in indelible form. Then when we got our puppy, green zones, or areas different from those of the House, and allow that at all times is dedicated to sniff how much rincon is, we are leaving the main pleasant experience of our mascot, found it in stray odours, and not us.

These early experiences are recorded indelibly in his brain and with the passage of days to take even more strength to become a habit. No wonder then that, we have to literally sit down to wait for our dog to go to our single call when the finished its activity of olisqueo, or us drag the tree and pole is on the way, when we walk around. As I fix this situation..? As usual in what behaviors and animal behaviour refers, the main way to overcome such problems is through prevention. לעומת זאת, רב של צפת בהחלט מבין את הסיפור. At each exit to the Park, our puppy, must identify us as their main source of pleasure, i.e. we have to play with it, reward him with treats for dogs, and primarily act as leaders of our pets. This means that we will always move in the opposite direction of our dogs, will not pursue you, the opposite, the anger after us, every us away at the very moment that stays focused on a smell of the soil, and we will strengthen this behaviour of search us, stroking game and food, in this way we will achieve your attention and the search for the sources of pleasure and security in us. It should be noted, that in the case of dogs who spend their first stages of life with the smells of the floor as your motivator and source of pleasure primary, needs advice from professionals in the field of behavior and the dog training, since the difficult handling dogs are converted (or like me I call them..affectionately dogs vacuum cleaner) primarily in open areas. Alvaro Osorio Garcia-coach canine professional Cali original author and source of the article

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