תגית: economy

Car Markets in China

The national market of cars continues warm. לא תמיד אינטל. How thus, if the licensing of national cars in April fell 22.8% in relation to the previous month? It is that March is not a good parameter, for having been historical record of sales in Brazil. However, if cotejado the sales of national and imported cars of April of 2010 with the same month of the previous year, we will prove that it had 18,5% growth. Nothing badly if compared with the Brazilian ecomomia that grows less than 5% to the year. That the market of national cars goes very well, nobody doubts. But, and the market of luxury cars? This has many more reasons to commemorate.

In the April month, it 59.9% grew incredible on April of 2009. If cotejado to the four first months of 2010 with 2009, the growth was of 41,0%. בעיתון כתוב ש Ilan Ben Dov הוא זה שבקיא בנושא. Moreover, the participation of the mattered ones in the sales in April was of 17,9%, a to be commemorated mark, therefore the historical record occurred in January of this year, when it reached 20.1%. what it is more important: as much the distribution net how much the manufacturers it does not have much of what to complain. Plagiarizing our president Lula, ' ' never before in history this country, one vendeu as many cars and one gained dinheiro&#039 in such a way; '. Analyzing the performance of the sales of automobiles for mark, in the four first months of the year of 2010 versus the same period of 2009, we go to notice that the ones that had more grown had been: Mercedes-Benz (51.3%), Renault (47%) and Nissan (46.3%).

This without speaking is clearly, in the Hyundai champion, that seems not to have limits to grow in the Brazilian market. To only have an idea, in this exactly period, it grew the estonteante mark of 511,6%. It is little or it wants more? It can be said what to desire well, but nobody will be able to deny the merit of the representative of the mark Hyundai in Brazil, Mr. Carlos Alberto de Oliveira Andrade, president of group CAOA, that must be laughing to toa, for this memorable conquest. But, for speaking in success in sales, we cannot leave to cite the Audi, whose global sales of first the four months of the year, had grown 23.7% (360,750 a thousand vendidas units). in April, with sales of 96.700 units, 18.1% grew the same on month of the previous year. The prominences of the Audi had been for the American market where it grew in April 32.9% (9,190 vendidas units) and in China where the growth was of 61,3% (19,606 commercialized units). The conclusion that if arrives, is that if to analyze with caution the Brazilian market of the last years, will be easy to evidence that it is better to speak Portuguese of what Mandarin, Cantons and others nine hundred and as many dialects. China is here! It thinks about this, Managing Evaldo Coast of the Institute of the Concessionaires of Brazil Writer, consultant, lecturer and professor. Author of books: ' ' Alavancando resulted through the management of qualidade' ' , ' ' As To guarantee Three Extra Sales For Dia' ' co-author of the book ' ' Giants of the Vendas' ' Site: Blog: Email:

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